Training Guides

This page displays the top level of the site structure and indicates where content is housed. Static/Standalone pages generally do not rely on any content outside of the page … Auto-Generated pages pull in content from a custom source that is provided at a data entry point .. typically this refers to “variable/dynamic content” … or “one-to-many”

Current uses of variable content are Achievements (with cats), Case Studies (with cats), Job Listings, Locations, Market Momentums, Perspectives, Posts/News (with cats), Properties (with Types & Cats), Team Members, and Testimonials (with cats)

Main Content Areas

Live Page Cheatsheets Notes
Home TBD Static/Standalone page, pulling from multiple sources
Our Talent (bucket) n/a This page is a bucket container (no content)
– Our Story TBD Static/Standalone page
– Our Team Cheatsheet Landing page listing is manual entry, Bios auto-generated pulling from data entry
– Testimonials Cheatsheet Landing page listing is auto-generated pulling from data entry
– Achievements Cheatsheet Static/Standalone page, pulling from data entry
– Case Studies Cheatsheet Landing page listing is auto-generated, Case Studies are auto-generated pulling from data entry
– Our Perspective Cheatsheet Landing page listing is auto-generated pulling from data entry
Our Solutions (bucket) n/a This page is a bucket container (no content)
– Office TBD Static/Standalone page
– Industrial TBD Static/Standalone page
Our Properties (bucket) n/a This page is a bucket container (no content)
– Industrial Cheatsheet Landing page is auto-generated, Properties are auto-generated pulling from data entry, grouped by property type
– Adaptive Reuse Cheatsheet Landing page is auto-generated, Properties are auto-generated pulling from data entry, grouped by property type
– Office Cheatsheet Landing page is auto-generated, Properties are auto-generated pulling from data entry, grouped by property type
– Land Cheatsheet Landing page is auto-generated, Properties are auto-generated pulling from data entry, grouped by property type
Our Community (bucket) n/a This page is a bucket container (no content)
– Giving Back TBD Static/Standalone page
– Community TBD Static/Standalone page
– ESG TBD Static/Standalone page
Our Involvement (bucket) n/a This page is a bucket container (no content)
– Citadel News Cheatsheet Landing page is auto-generated, News/Posts are auto-generated pulling from data entry, grouped by category
– In The News Cheatsheet Landing page is auto-generated, News/Posts are auto-generated pulling from data entry, grouped by category
– Market Momentum Cheatsheet Landing page is auto-generated, Market Momentums are auto-generated pulling from data entry
Get In Touch n/a Static/Standalone page, embedding form, pulling in Locations from data entry
Careers n/a Static/Standalone page, embedding form, pulling in Jobs from data entry

Other Content Areas

Job Listings Data entry of Job Postings used on the Careers page
Locations Data entry of Locations used on Get in Touch page
Achievements Data entry of Achievements used on Achievements page
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